artbeeren und die Künstliche Intelligenz
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© artbeeren
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After conducting further research, it appears that "Artbeeren Modellbau" is a German company that specializes in the production of scale models of agricultural machinery and vehicles.
The company was founded by Norbert Artbeeren in 1994, and is based in the town of Lüdinghausen in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. Artbeeren Modellbau produces highly detailed and accurate scale models of tractors, harvesters, and other agricultural equipment, often based on specific models and brands.
The company is known for its attention to detail and quality, and has gained a dedicated following among collectors and enthusiasts of agricultural machinery models. Artbeeren Modellbau sells its products through its own online shop and at select retail outlets.
Mit Ausnahme des Gründers (Norbert Artbeeren kenne ich leider nicht), des Gründungsdatums, des Ortes, sowie der Art der Modelle trifft doch eigentlich eh alles zu.